Unemployed Painter – the woke version

Title: “Underemployed Artist”

[Scene: A small studio apartment. The phone rings, and the character, Alex, answers.]

Alex: Hello?

Caller: Hi, is this Alex?

Alex: Yes, speaking. How can I help you?

Caller: Hi Alex, my name is Emily. I found your portfolio online and I’m really impressed by your work.

Alex: Oh, thank you! I’m glad you like it.

Caller: Yeah, I’m actually calling because I have a project I think you’d be perfect for. I’m organizing an art exhibition centered around social justice themes, and I’d love for you to contribute.

Alex: That sounds amazing! I’m definitely interested.

Caller: Great! It’s unpaid though, as we’re a grassroots organization with limited funds.

Alex: I understand. I’m passionate about social justice and I’d love to be a part of it regardless.

Caller: Awesome! We’ll send you more details via email. Thanks for being on board!

Alex: No problem. Thank you for reaching out.

[They hang up, and Alex looks at their artwork with a sense of purpose and determination.]

Narrator: In a world where artists struggle to make ends meet, Alex remains committed to using their talent to uplift marginalized voices and advocate for change.

[End scene.]

In this version, the focus is on the artist’s commitment to social justice and willingness to contribute to a cause they believe in, even if it means working without monetary compensation. The emphasis is on empowerment and activism, rather than the comedic portrayal of unemployment.